Este blog foi criado no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês, por um grupo de alunas do 11.º ano do curso de Línguas e Humanidades da Escola Secundária de Peniche, portanto as informações aqui colocadas podem nao estar correctas.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Homophobia describes hostility or fear of gay people and homosexuality, but it is not limited to this specifically. For example someone might be called homophobic if they dislike gay people; or if someone is violent towards a gay person they could also be described as homophobic.

Homophobia around the world

In 2005 a gay man was killed every two days in Latin America because of his sexuality. In Brazil, where the government launched a campaign against homophobia in 2004, 2,509 gay men were murdered between 1997 and 2007.5

A demonstration in Brussels, Belgium calling for laws against homosexuality to be repealed
In many African countries, such as Zimbabwe and Zambia, homophobia is legitimised by governments, and gay people face persecution and violence from police, employers, hospitals and community organisations. In South Africa, the law has been changed to improve rights for gay and lesbian people, however it remains to be seen whether social attitudes towards homosexuality have really improved in that country.
In India, lesbians are stigmatised more severely than gay men, as there is huge social and family pressure for women to get married. India’s traditional family-oriented culture provides no space for open discussion of sexuality. Gay and lesbian people are subject to harassment and persecution from police and government agencies.

by: Andreia Mendes

1 comment:

  1. I thiking that is important that people knows about Homophobia because in my opinion, gay people are equal as us. They just have sexual option diferent.

    Great (:
